pmml - Generate PMML for Various Models
The Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) is an XML-based language which provides a way for applications to define machine learning, statistical and data mining models and to share models between PMML compliant applications. More information about the PMML industry standard and the Data Mining Group can be found at <>. The generated PMML can be imported into any PMML consuming application, such as Zementis Predictive Analytics products. The package isofor (used for anomaly detection) can be installed with devtools::install_github("gravesee/isofor").
Last updated 3 years ago
7.98 score 20 stars 1 dependents 560 scripts 2.9k downloads
cumulocityr - Client for the 'Cumulocity' API
Access the 'Cumulocity' API and retrieve data on devices, measurements, and events. Documentation for the API can be found at <>.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.48 score 3 stars 7 scripts 169 downloads